Nov 11, 2008 15:09
well all good days must have a little twist in their leg and that was when my mom came into my room and told me my grandma was getting a pacemaker put in today because she has a sinus malfunction and her heart pauses. So her pacemaker cells are freaking out and to prevent any future heart attacks that might come along or other heart problems their putting this in. Im not worried about anything at all really since i have been in and around hospitals all my life and i know it's a good thing the doctors spotted it, but my grandma is falling apart. It really kinda sucks because she's my last grandma and i will only have a grandpa after she passes away, which i hope isn't soon. But for how healthy she is and how active she is for a 70? year old she's doing pretty badly. She's fallen once and tore the cartilage in her left shoulder and then she fell again and tore the cartilage in her right shoulder got beat up a little(she fell downhill) and cracked her back. Now this gah for such a timid and sweet and strong grandma she really is fighting alot.
im glad she's ok and what not, but im worried how long she's going to last at this rate and how my grandpa feels about this ): i dunno.
I've also gone back to Knitting this scarf i've been working on since this summer and it's been helping me keep my hands active and my mind on other things to help reduce all this stress.