Aug 13, 2004 17:15
I dont believe ive ever told any one this but my lifelong dream ever since i can remeber has been to pet a lion or a tiger.........well i have and it was great....i went to walmart to get a lipring.....which my mom had to pay for since i spent all my money on the animals........well anyway they had this animal thing up there thay had tigers lions white tigers pythons leopords lemurs and all kinds of other stuff and just as i was starting to have one of those "free the animals" moments i see this sign *Pet a REAL Lion Cub* i said hmm i wonder if theyll let me pet it without getting a picture taken of course they wouldnt so i had a pic taken with i feel accomplished in this world now and i can die happy.......:)
Of course i got really pissed off cause i didnt see water in any of the animals cages and that really got to me but i guess they water them when people leave...ohh yeah the lion didnt even try to bite me like it did the people in front of me did growl a bit though but it looked me right in the eye and it lookes like it smiled......aww i love the animals