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Oct 16, 2004 05:10

Hmm lets see whats new with me .....lets start with school...its been going so so ....not too many people aggrivate me this year...kinda strange theres only one guy that has something negative to say to/about me........do i care??? FUCK no!!!.....my math teacher hits on me shes the shizz ....she announced to the class today that i am her favorite so ha to all the cunts in there that suck up for absolutley NOTHING!!!! where as i am the favorite.....well i dont fuckin know why i guess because im qiet i come in sit down do my work listen to music and dont argue with people unless its that one dud that i referred to up there^ and she never tells me to shut up its always him that gets yelled at....even when i call him a dirty cunt wad or somethin of that nature....ive been getting in trouble a lot i have saturday school today....ive been up all night too but i slept all day yesterday so yeah im good plus im high so thats a plus......i get in trouble for stupid shit mostly by ms queen she hates me ...stuff like hugging people and being tardy....ohh well i dont give a fluying fuck.....i have a boyfriend now hes the shizz ....im happy ...well for the most part but im unhappy about other things nothing to do with him.......im wishing i were a better person right now...= / ohh well shit happenes....ive changed a lot in the past few months ....different style n shit...no not chlothing i mean personality and music wise n shit....more hardcore?? i remember when i was nothing like i am today ....i never thought at that point that i would be the way i am now...but yeah im happy with myself for the most part....so yeah ima go cause i need to smoke and all that shit ......goin to the park tonight to watch people saber fight....yeah this is a first for me....i get to spend time with G thats really all that matters.....
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