Title: Conviction
Chapter Title: Never the Wiser of What I've Become
Series/Disclaimer: I don't own Resident Evil. I just like to pretend I can write fanfiction about it.
Pairing(s): Albert Wesker/Chris Redfield
Story Theme: Without You - Breaking Benjamin
Beta: My wonderful palinka_femme at LJ
Summary: Hunting Albert Wesker was as natural as
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Nice to see your mind is still wandering on expectations though~ It tickles me pink to see readers try to come up with theories about where this is going. Interesting idea about them acting like a married couple, I'd never really thought of it that way. XD
I'm not sure if Chris is really crossing into the dark side so much as realizing Wesker's side might not as be as dark as he thought it was. But inevitably, his realizations along the way aren't going to be easy ones.
And I'm glad you like it so much! I think it's one of my favorite chapters too. Though that could just be because I got to have Chris realize how dominant Wesker is. >;'3
I can't help but theorize. lol We still know nothing about what Wesker hopes to achieve; all we know is what he does. That's why I can't wait to see the next chapter. Chris has to know that he's giving in, and I wonder how he will act because of that.
It's good that I'm keeping up the suspense though. I was worried that I'd end up giving away what was going on way too early and then people would lose interest. Hopefully I can keep it up until the very end.
And if you're curious about how Chris is going to react, the next chapter should be the one to look forward to~ :'3
:o I hope the next chapter is really soon. I seriously love reading these. Wesker is so patient and calculating, taking his time molding Chris. As much as I love reading the whole process of Wesker winning him over, I'm pretty eager to see what actually happens in the end.
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