Wow, lots of stuff to cover.
Went to the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) Writer's Workshop on Saturday. There were a number of interesting panels and I enjoyed meeting
agentobscura. She had a great panel on how to write a query letter and especially how not to write one. She gave us a list of 25 do's and don't in writing a query letter (at least to her). You'd think these would be common sense, but it seems a lot of newbie authors get so wrapped up in the idea of pitching, they don't run their work past someone else to QC it for them. A number of the mistakes she showed us should have been caught if someone else had given the letter a sanity check.
I got my results from my Intro to Fiction mid-term (47 out of 50), so I'm pretty happy there. I have to take some time this week and finish critiquing some papers for my classmates as well as writing a critique of one of the poems we're going over in class. I'm thinking about reviewing either If by Rudyard Kipling or The Charge of the Light Brigade. (Hey, I'm a historian at heart. I'm more interested in the older stuff than the modern poems we're also reading.
I've decided to submit the short story I wrote to The Muse, but not Ozark Woods. I don't want to make the changes that were suggested. However, I submitted a new poem last night that he seems to like a lot better, so I'll be submitting both of them by Friday and we'll see what happens. It's strange. I wrote a little poetry back in college (the first time), but I haven't written any since then. I have to admit I'm surprised this stuff I'm writing seems to be going over so well in class. (shrug)
And, to explain the title of tonight's entry, I finally sent off my Star Trek novel proposal. I decided I was tired of editing and re-editing the proposal and finally said, it's time. So, for better or for worse, it's out the door. So, to take some very good advice, it's time to forget about it and start working on my next project. I'm going to finish up the edits on The Demon's Head and hopefully get it sent off to a couple of magazines and see if I can find a home for it. After that, it's time to get back to my other projects.