Consider this paying ahead for the short story she's doing for me. We had to do a prose poem for my Creative Writing class tonight. It's a little longer than what the professor was anticipating, but he said I came the closest in the class to hitting the mark with this effort.
Again, I'll hide it behind a cut to spare the casual reader.
Ozark Woods
The woods lure young men. Their dark passageways, hidden between the gray stumps, are irresistible. The light, diffusing through the foliage above, paints a world with indistinct hues of gray and green. The low brush, hanging vines, dead leaves and mossy boulders create a world seldom seen except by young men.
The woods challenge order. Looking out the dining room window, the wall of dark trees designates the border between the known of the yard and the unknown of the wild. The tangle of oaks, hickories and cedars has a primeval beauty. It hints of mysteries to be solved, dangers to be overcome, new lands to be conquered and personal demons to be laid to rest.
The woods are surreal. There is a mystic stillness in the woods. You can hear nothing and everything at the same time. Away from the everyday noise of the town, you hear faint sounds. A falling limb, a shuffling noise in the underbrush, the knocking of a woodpecker or the whisper of the wind moving through the leaves; all are clear in the stillness.
The woods hide things. A small stream fed by last week’s rainfall. A nest of baby rabbits. A limestone cave, just barely big enough to squirm into, leading to places unknown. Arrowheads. Perhaps a carefully constructed fort, built who knows how long ago, just ready for occupation. There is no limit to what can be found in the woods on a soft, spring day.
The woods lure young men.
Starting to get ready for Lunacon. Need to sort through my anime cels and get them in some order for my Collecting Anime Cels" coffeehouse. I didn't have a huge crowd at Lunacon last year, but it was at 2pm on Sunday (never a great time when the show closes at 5pm). This one is Friday night, so I'm a little more hopeful. I had a great time doing the panel and showing off my stuff at Archon last fall and I'm hoping the momentum builds for this show.
Of course, one of these days, I'll get all my cels scanned into my computer and can only bring a few select pieces instead of hauling up the portfolios. Then again, that would mean I was prepared and organized.
<--- foresees dragging the portfolios with him for a long time.