GenCon 2016

Jul 28, 2016 19:45

Editing away on my steampunk novel, On Wings of Steel. Five more chapters edited and more printed out for editing this evening.

But, wait, there’s more!

I’m also going to be attending GenCon this next week for the first time ever and the coolest thing is I’m attending as a member of the Writer’s Symposium.

So, with that said, here’s where you can find me at the show:

Thursday, Aug 4
12PM - Short Fiction: Story vs. Vignette - Chamber
3PM - Business of Writing: Writer Beware - Capital I

Friday, August 5
10AM - Character Craft - Hearing the Character’s Thoughts - Cabinet
2PM - Signing - Exhibit Hall
5PM - Worldbuilding 101 - Capital I
7PM - Reading: Jody Lynn Nye and me (natch) - Congress I

Saturday, August 6
12PM - Business of Writing: Knowing When to Quit - Congress I
4PM - Signing - Exhibit Hall

Sunday, August 7
11AM - Read and Critique: Session G - Congress I
12PM - Read and Critique: Session G (cont.)

Not a bad first schedule. I should be reasonably busy but still have plenty of time to wander the dealers room (which means I probably should leave my wallet at home). I’ll be talking to gaming companies about trying to get some freelance work, checking out all the cool new things coming out, hunting down artists for possible future collaborations, and in general just having a heck of a good time.

Not a bad first schedule. I should be reasonably busy but still have plenty of time to wander the dealers room (which means I probably should leave my wallet at home). I’ll be talking to gaming companies about trying to get some freelance work, checking out all the cool new things coming out, hunting down artists for possible future collaborations, and in general just having a heck of a good time. Plus there are some author events scheduled which means more hanging out with a really cool bunch of people.

So, if you’re coming to GenCon, I look forward to bumping into you there. If not, hopefuly I’ll see you at one of my other shows (Archon/PhilCon). And if worse comes to worst, there’s always 2017.

Originally published at Richard C. White. Please leave any comments there.

fantasy, original, writing process, world building, writer beware, steampunk, conventions

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