After an exciting day at work building Powerpoint slides, what better way is there to relax than to start working on improving the For A Few Gold Pieces More Kickstarter page.
We’ve just posted the first two stretch goals for this project and given you hints to other stretch goals to go. Now, it may seem a bit early to post stretch goals while we’re still so far away from funding, but I wanted to take the opportunity to let you see, we’re thinking positive and planning on ways to make this even more enticing for you. So, be sure to spread the word about this
Kickstarter to your friends, colleagues, and anyone else who might enjoy some dark fantasy.
And as we get closer to the end, I’ll definitely share some of the larger stretch goals with you, but for now, let’s just say, this is a teaser. *grin*
Originally published at
Richard C. White. Please leave any
comments there.