So far, we have survived Snowzilla 2016. I’ve managed to not completely fritter away my days off buried under the snow. Well, mostly, but not completely.
I heard back from my editor on Paladin who liked the edits I made to the story. Always good news. So, I suspect the next time I see it, it’ll be the galley proofs. *yay!*
I also worked on my Gale Allen story this weekend. Added 1387 words to it tonight as well as selecting specific events from the old Fiction House Planet Comics to base my story around. I’m enjoying the interaction between Gale and one of her nemeses that she’s forced to cooperate with for the good of Vanam. *evil writer grin - I love putting my characters in these kind of situations*
I spent part of this evening visiting with a fellow author/publisher who ran a very successful Kickstarter. He looked over my page and gave me some good feedback as well as highlighting what worked and what didn’t work for his campaign. I’ll be taking that advice to heart.
Also, I managed to get my badge and hotel for Gen Con, where I’ll be a part of the Writer’s Symposium later this summer. Not exactly the easiest of tasks - Gen Con seriously underbooks the number of hotel rooms they need for the show, but whatcha gonna do?
Oh yeah, and several hours of shoveling snow this weekend. Can’t forget that - or at least my back can’t quite yet. Not quite as young as I used to be back in Missouri where this might be considered a normal snow storm. Then again, Missouri actually has a good number of snow plows and drivers who know how to drive in this stuff. Maryland seems to be somewhat short on both. *sigh*
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Richard C. White. Please leave any
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