Spare time? What is this spare time you speak of?

Apr 15, 2015 23:19

See, this is what happens when you start to think, “Wow, I’m almost caught up on stuff, maybe I can start working on X now.”

So, I continued working on Operation Komodo tonight, and added about 1700 more words (and eliminated about 300). Good progress, I’m well over the halfway point. Time to start pushing toward the finish line with this story.

Then in the space of about two hours, I receive a galley to proof for the Origins Game Fair anthology Space, where my story “Moonshadows” will be appearing. So, need to carve out some time for that. Along with receiving the galley, I was approached by a publisher I’ve worked with to possibly contribute a short story for a new anthology he’s putting together. So, I’ll need to do some research, but it sounds like a fun project and well, I’m a sucker for the topic.

Oh, did I mention, I got an idea for a possible new comic script to start pitching around. So, eventually, I’ll have to finish writing up at least a synopsis of the characters and their powers and what the hell will I do with the characters since I created them before having a story to go with them and is it something I can put in a universe I already have or is it a stand alone project?

Oh yeah, and there is a new “sekrit” project on the horizon too.

Hey, Hermione! Pass me the time turner. I’m gonna need it.

Originally published at Richard C. White. Please leave any comments there.

writing process, steampunk, collections, historical, editing, wwii, short stories, anthologies

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