All right, break time is over. Back on your heads . . .

Mar 16, 2008 23:59

Boy, I wish I could blame this on Daylight Savings Time.

I wish I could blame it on work.

I wish I could blame it on stress.

And, while all three of those things may have been contributing factors, I've been highly unproductive this past week. To wit, Monday through Saturday there were no words . . . period.

Unfortunately, taking a day off to de-stress makes it easy to take another evening off and then inertia starts to set in. It becomes too easy to say, "I'm tired, maybe I'll just watch a little TV and then call it a night," or "I'll just play this video game until I get to the next save point, then I'll go write," or even "Screw it, I don't feel like writing tonight."

Either way, the excuses are just that, excuses.

Time for me to get focused again and get back to work. I was so proud of myself having a 10,000 word cushion for my goal of writing 366,000 words this year (That's four 90,000 word novels and a couple of short stories, now that I look at that total. Not bad production for someone with a full time job.) Now, I look at my log sheet and see my cushion has been cut in half.

**growls angrily at self**

You've had your vacation for the year, White. Back to the keyboard with you.

(And yes, I am still keeping to the schedule, even with the break. Tonight I finished Chapter 18 and started Chapter 19 on the Chronicles of the Sea Dragon, adding 1436 words to my totals for the year. I think we're getting ready to make the turn toward the climax here. Everything from this point on should be building up to the big confrontation. I can't think of anything else I need to do to set the stage, (although I'm sure I will once I begin my edits).

Tomorrow night, back to Childhood's Tears, where we last saw our intrepid heroine . . .

Words for today

1436 / 1000 words. 144%

Progress on CSD: Dragon Couchant

79899 / 100000 words. 80%

Words for 2008

80964 / 366000 words. 22%

childhood's tears, writing process, chronicles of the sea dragon, writing

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