Jul 29, 2005 02:40
Well this one is gonna have to be short cause well its 2:40 and I dont have a whole lot going on today. Well the big thing for tonight would be that my sister and brother in law took in 6 abonden kittens today (they do this through an organization regularly). This would be the first time that they have them so young (4 Weeks) with no mother, let me tell you, its not easy work but they are so cute. Also went shopping today and finally got a new wallet (Old one was a Secret Santa gift back when I started working at Wendys so it did its job) and a new pair of shoes (old ones falling a part and covered in paint) So thats a good start. Now I just need to get some shorts and I will be set! I guess I was lying when I said this was gonna be short, what can I say I like to ramble. But anyways I hope everything worked out well for everyone today! And I hope to talk to you all soon! Live life to the fullest, and look to the future, not the past! Gnite all!