Nov 06, 2006 20:06
You know what I hate? That commercial for Yoplait Yogurt, where you've got the two women sitting on lawn chairs, and they're eating chocolate yogurt, and saying stuff like:
"This is like zen, wrapped in charma, dipped in chocolate good."
"This is like getting a foot massage, while shoe shopping for chocolate covered heels good."
I've seen this commercial about 5,000 times this semester. Although it didn't bother me at first, I'm at the point now where I literally have to hit the mute button, turn off the TV, or change the channel when this thing comes on. Seriously, I'm about ready to jump into the TV and take a chainsaw to these women.
That would be like Scarlett Johansenn, wrapped in Star Wars, dipped in CHOCOLATE good.
Hey, everybody loves chocolate.