Banjo Is Love, yes. Here's a pic of him today, with Luke, for future size comparison purposes. Like when, five years in the future we'll be saying, "Gee, remember when Banjo could fit on your lap?"
But the real purpose of my post? To say that I'm going to muck about with my layout. Time for new. Not that anyone will care, but if perchance you should be looking at the layout and it looks funky, you'll know why.
In the meantime, picspam of Ouray (Pronounced "you-RAY," in case you're going "huh?") from this past weekend. Pretty place; too bad it's such a pain to get to. The pics are all 800x600 pixels, so those on dial-up beware if you clicky the linkies...
A view of the town of Ouray (such as it is) from the hot springs park. See that mountain in the background? Yeah, that's the one you drive down to get to town. It's :) Notice the tinge of gold on the trees. Mid-August means fall at 11,000 feet. :) From the spring pools (You can see the edge of it on the far left of this pic), hills/mountains rise up directly on either side. This is the beginning of one of the mountains. It's a pretty impressive sight. A bit more of a close-up of part of the above picture. I just love the way the trees grow directly out of the rock. I've always wondered how they do that... I really do live in a pretty state, yes...