'Cuz horsetechie done tagged me.

Aug 22, 2007 09:11

♠ List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
♠ Tag seven people to do the same.
♠ Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

1) Because I am an inbred semi-freak (My grandparents on my mother's side, for instance, were 1st cousins), I lack the gene required to be able to roll up your tongue. Which, so I've been told, is a very rare trait. I can, however, wiggle my ears.

2) Someone once wrote a book and someone else wrote a doctoral thesis about my family on my mother's side because it was A) Crazy inbred (There are no less than three half-sibling marriages lurking in my direct-line family tree, for instance.) and B) Apparently important in some Irish clan history thingy or something or other. As a result, my family history on that side is known back to the 11th century. Thus, I know cool things like that some of my ancestors were mercenary fighters for Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415.

3) I'm phone-phobic. I hate talking on phones. This, of course, fuels my general hatred of cell phones and my love of email.

4) I played in a semi-pro swing band (playing clarinet) for a few months when I was 8. I subbed for my dad's stand partner while said stand partner was in the hospital having heart surgery. I recall playing at one wedding and several 25th anniversary parties as well as at a bunch of functions for WWII veterans. I think this is what sealed in my mind that I wanted to be a musician in some capacity because it was a lot of fun to play for people.

5) I know how to count to ten in at least fifteen languages other than English. Mind, in most of the languages, counting to ten is the only thing I know how to say in that language. I have no idea why I've acquired this knowledge. I know my grandmother taught me the Gaelic version when I was very young and that I learned the Japanese version in first grade when we did a study about Japan. The rest just kind of accumulated in my brain over the years.

6) My favorite smell: The smell of old books.

7) My blood type is AB-. It's the rarest type. It's also the "universal recipient," baby. All your blood are belonging to me.! :D

Bonus 8) Giant robots live in my head. But y'all knew this already... ;)

And I tag:

frostymook and her nifty new Alienware laptop. :)


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