Well, my weekend has been nice. Too bad it's back to work tomorrow. :P
Saturday, we bought plants. Got plants for the flower beds and the whiskey barrels. Bought a flat of strawberry plants which Frosty planted in the new garden box today and that I deer-proofed (Hopefully!) with deer net. I bought a trellis for the wisteria vine that I planted a couple of weeks ago and that is already growing fabulously. Now it has something to climb on and it, too, is (Hopefully!) shielded from The Damned Deer. And we got a baby white lilac at the Durango Garden Club's plant sale. It's a local plant, so it should do well. Now, once we get the pink one we ordered, we'll have (eventually) pink, white, and lavender lilac bushes. Then today, we planted everything. Lots and lots of gardening. Was fun. Got sunburned, but that's OK. If I don't have skin cancer yet after all the baking and broiling (while slathered with baby oil, no less!) I did as a kid/teen/twentysomething, I don't think I'm ever going to get it. :)
Also washed and Rain-xed the Subaru today, which was way overdue. She looked grey instead of metallic black, thanks to the dirt and dust on her. (Inevitable around here; a good percentage of the roads are dirt roads, including the one on which we live.) I was going to wax her, too, but once I got her clean, she was all shiny purty without it, so I decided not to bother this time. And then, once the afternoon clouds started rolling in so the car wasn't radiating heat in waves...I applied the Decepticon decal. So now, yes, I have an "official" Decepti'ru.
The decal's purple, I swear. You just can't tell because of the angle of the light and the shiny. :)
Side view for the heck of it.
Figured I'd take some pictures before it starts raining, after which she'll be covered in dusty rain spots. *rolls eyes* And now...I'm tired! And I need dinner! :D