It was a pretty drive this morning. It snowed overnight and was still snowing a bit here and there on my way in. But it's been so warm over the past couple of weeks that it was only sticking to the trees and to cars, not to the roads. Combine that with the low-lying clouds on my hilly drive to work, and it was pretty in a wet, dreary sort of way. Made me wish I had a camera with me...
In other news, the migraine is pretty much gone, thank God. I want to thank those of you who replied to my previous post for the hugs/vibes. :) I just have a bit of light sensitivity left over, but it isn't enough to make me want to throw up like it was doing yesterday. I ended up only working a half-day yesterday before I couldn't stand it any longer, and then I went home. I think I'll be fine today, though. Just in time to do loan draws. Yippee. :p
And, in still other news...
frostymook and her older son are both getting braces put on right now as I type this. It'll be interesting to see what they look like when I get home. :D Frosty's getting the clear braces that adults usually get, but Josiah is going for the full metal-mouth look. He seems to think the look is cool... *snicker* :)