Questions from horsetechie!

Oct 16, 2005 10:41

Like the subject line says, I have questions to answer. So, here we go. :)

1. What other Christian pop groups do you like?
I like a whole bunch of Christian artists. Jars of Clay is one of my favorites. I have an MP3 CD of all of their songs that I'll play in the car an awful lot. I'll listen to dcTalk and Audio Adrenaline and Newsboys here and there, too. My favorites, though, are probably solo artists. Ginny Owens is my favorite of them all, but I also really like Michael Card. And Keith Green. And Cindy Morgan. And Carman when I'm in the right sort of mood. And even a bit of good ol' Michael W. Smith. In fact, I like just about anything.

...Except praise music, that is. That stuff drives me absolutely batty with its mindless repetitiveness. :p

2. Have you been to Hawaii to see the volcanic activity there?
I have been to Hawaii once, for a long weekend for a wedding. And that was quite enough for me. Actually, my interest in volcanoes stems largely from an irrational phobia of them. I didn't realize that I had this phobia until I visited Pompeii many years ago, when I was just out of high school, and just totally freaked out. It was very strange. This overwhelming feeling of dread overcame me, and I had to leave the tour group and go sit in the bus because I started to hyperventilate. After that experience, I went on a volcano research quest to try to defuse the phobia and ended up becoming oddly interested in them -- I still love the Aztec myth of the formation of Popocatepetl in Mexico :) -- yet still I remained intensely fearful of them. I don't really know why. When I believed in reincarnation I thought that perhaps I died at Pompeii in a past life or something like that and that's why I became so afraid. But anyway, I like to read and learn about volcanoes, but I'm perfectly content to stay far, far away from them. :)

3. What is your favorite kind of cheesecake?
I actually prefer plain old cheesecake, with no toppings and no chocolate in it or anything like that. I do, however, really like pumpkin cheesecake, also.

4. Have you listened to Mozart when you were pregnant? ;p (if so, which peices do you recommend...?)
Going for the old Mozart Effect, eh? :) Actually, most of what I listen to is classical, and in my old house we had a house-wide sound system. So, classical was always on, so my kid was exposed to all sorts of stuff, from Gregorian chant to more modern classical stuff. However, Mozart is not one of my favorite composers -- I think he's overrated, m'self, but don't tell my fellow classical snobs that I said that ;) -- so I never listen to much of his stuff. I tend to listen to baroque, then skip over the classical era, and listen to Beethoven and the romantic composers. And, actually, baroque is more mathematical and pattern-dependent even than classical era stuff is, so I'd think that that would make babies smarter than listening in utero to Mozart. So I'd say break out the J.S. Bach and the Vivaldi before breaking out the Mozart, personally. Bach's orchestral suites would probably be particularly nice for that purpose, I should think.

But don't do the silly sticking headphones on your belly thing. The baby can hear the outside would just fine without them. :) All you'll do with headphones and the concentrated sound that they create is scare him/her witless, make him/her jerk around in your womb, and then give your bladder a nice whack so that you need to make a beeline for the nearest restroom. Believe me, this I know from personal experience, when I jokingly put a pair of headphones on my seven-months-pregnant belly while shopping in a Borders bookstore with a girlfriend. Bad move! I nearly didn't make it to the restroom in time. :)

5. Who is your favorite fandom hottie at the moment? Why? (because I can't think of anything else)
Y'know, I'm kind of on a Star Trek: Voyager kick at the moment and, although I wouldn't call him a "hottie," I've got a big thing for the Doctor. I just wuv him. 'Course, if we're talking about true hotties, then there's always good ol' Harry Kim. :) He's a hottie because he's, y'know, an Asian guy. Yummy. :D But you know all about yummy Asian guys, so I don't have to explain why he's hot. ;)

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