So. Life sucks. :p

Apr 16, 2010 10:53

Well, OK, not life in general, but... I currently have two ear infections that are making life not-so-pleasant. For one thing, I cannot hear out of pretty much both ears, although one is a little better than the other. What I can hear...echoes weirdly. It doesn't really hurt, but there is a lot of pressure, especially in my right ear. There is constant drip from them that is making my throat sore and that makes me cough. I have a constant low-grade fever that saps all of my energy. My eyes are all teary and goopy because they can't drain properly, either. Oh, and I can't talk, either, from the throat irritation. So, yeah. Just all sorts of fun all around. Can't hear, because the ears are bunged up. Can't talk. Can't see well sometimes because of the teary, goopy eyes. It just...isn't fun. And I'm even too drained to obey the voices and write something and staring at a computer screen to do art seems to make my eyes water more.

Bleagh. :p Here's hoping the antibiotics kick in soon... So yeah, that's me at the moment. :p Pretty darn miserable. :p

general whining

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