Dec 06, 2007 00:29
So I got this text message from Claire last Saturday night around 10:30 that says "whats up smut" and since I was out and about quickly forgot about it (pretty bad at responding if anyone hasn't noticed) it got lost in the back of my mind. Then someone commented on a prom photo of Claire and I, and when I went to read it I remembered and went to Claire's profile and saw Allison's comment with a link to a livejournal post from 2005... aaand so here I am.
I wonder if I still have any lj friends.
Since I could read Allison's journal, at least she'll probably read this.
Dear Allison,
Sorry I didn't respond to your text message (I thought maybe I did?) and sorry I didn't respond to the message about your Brother's band (tell them I'll book them a show in Ann Arbor or New York City or wherever I am next year but I'll only pay them in beer) but I really don't want you to take it personally. I've been pretty bad about communicating with anyone outside of a 3 block range of my house for a long time now. In fact, I only recently called Jon to wish him a belated birthday, talk to Borna only during breaks or rare aim logins, and I spoke with Tenglish for all of 3 minutes, telling him I'd rather catch up in person. When I hung out with Winkler at that gallery party in Alphabet City it was like seperate worlds colliding. But I digress... I don't mean to sound like I've lost touch because I don't care, I definitely do. I'd just rather hang out. Technology is a bummer.
Anyway when I started writing this I was going to do this really long post with pictures and a detailed timeline of my life since most of you last heard from me, but then I got tired of it before I finished the first paragraph. So, I'll see ya'll soon for Christmas (back on the East Coast from the 17th to the 2nd).
yours truly,
Lloyd H. Cargo