Who: Spike - Open for anyone
Where: Hiding in an office of some random worker he threatened
When: Very late afternoon
Spike couldn't help, but wonder what the hell he did to deserve this. First he sacrifices all he has to save the world, and then poff here he is at Wolfram & Hart just popped right out of a bloody amulet and now to make matters worse
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"I'm not hiding." He pauses "I'm just ... Testing the offices this one is pretty nice bloody well needs a fish or two though. Bugger. Fine look just keep it down last thing I needs is more of you bloody annoying people in here."
"Look I don't really know you all that well, but I know that I don't like Angel and I don't like Evil, well at least not anymore. Your one of the two given that you work here. So bugger off unless you got something interesting to bring to the table. I am bloody well tired of this."
Spike pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Not even thinking about if this room might have smoke sprinklers in it. He thought about it reconsidering for a second then figured that they probably didn't put them in each individual office and if so, what the hell who cares.
"Well let's say I do leave. What then? What is it that I am suppose to do ? Where do I go? The truth of the matter is I got nothing else. I guess there are quite a few reasons I stay. I like to annoy Angel that's for sure also I know whats happening here is important and I would like to be apart of that no matter the outcome. Now that Buffy is here though I can stay for her."
He realized after he said it that it's kind of stupid to stay for Buffy and never go see her.
"So whats your story?" He asked.
"and while were at it if your not a friend of Angel then what are you? Don't tell me your evil." He added.
"Captain Forehead wasn't always a jerk you know. There was a time the two of us were best of friends."
Spike sat for a minute but decided that it was getting late and he wanted to hit the street save a few lives and maybe hit a few bars.
"Well I'm done with this office it's about time I head out and do me some good old fashion life savin. I'll grab a few beers while im at it. You can tag along if you want just stay out of my way." He said.
Now he just has to be careful and avoid bumping in to Buffy on his way out.
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