Why I avoided politics for so long.
Every time there's an election day/voting day, I usually end up pissed off the next day. This was the case yesterday.
It's also one of the reasons I'm proud to be a country gal. I'd like to think that it's helped me be able to see the perspective of 'the little guy' and to NOT WALK ALL OVER THEM for you OWN FREAKIN' BENEFIT when you're not actually BEING HARMED OR EFFECTED by something that would HELP US SURVIVE AS A COMMUNITY.
What we have here, ladies and gents, is a wonderful case of advertising and propaganda at work.
Sorry for the caps attack. I'm just a little miffed.
I just--I'm sorry. But even our state's largest circulated paper--which is notorious for being liberal to a fault on occasion-- has one article that's like: "well the state clearly doesn't want a fifth gambling place before the second opens." WHich is cool, because I can see where people would morally object to it. I'm not all sold on that many places when I know how addictive it is.
But you can't turn around and two collumns over have a big victory post for additives for a different establishment and the approval of another one that's actually CLOSER to the EXISTING establishment.
One, it's contradictory to what you JUST SAID. Two, that kind of counters your ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN saying the one in our area would STEAL ALL OUR JOBS. Because, one, the one CLOSER to you is more likely to steal your market than 'we' are. Two, it was a different type of an establishment--and would have created a shit ton of jobs that would have no baring on you.
Oh, and, by the way YOU NEEDED US TO GET THOSE JOBS IN THE FIRST PLACE. How's for stabbing us in the back a little?
For the record--the paper's based just down the street and around the corner- LITERALLY- from one of the existing establishments. I had applied for a job there (paper) once and noticed this while looking for potential places to live in the proximity