For some reason, when I travel, I almost always keep a journal. These entries usually never see the light of day, but I figured, why not write this since I'm on the bus and my fic isn't flowing? That could be from sleep deprivation, but who's counting?
This all still feels so surreal. Rushed, even. I'm not excited because I don't think I have really processed that: yes, you're actually going on the trip. Yes, you don't have to go to work. Things just have seemed so fleeting lately. Partially my own fault, I know.
So my players have thier sticks up for auction. And god I'm preverted because I can't stop giggling over that. THen again, we'll blame it on the sleep issue again. ((Backwards edit: Apparently the girl I've been talking to is gonna bet on Jose's. This is making me smile. And totally jealous.))
I totally should have kept the thread and coat out so I could have worked on that on the bus. BUt I didn't know how full it would be with the holidays coming up and all.
Which, by the by? Bus not that bad. Wi-Fi, plug in. Padded seat, and only $77.00 for both ways. Not too shabby all and all.
...I'm not entirely sure where the heck we are. Or not ,driver just said POrtsmith. Wow. THat means we're further then I thought, which makes sense. I mean it is almost six. Oh Fairy Tail, how you have helped pass the time!
Ep 70 is next. Five more eps and I'll be caught up-- just five. I'm so proud of myself for sticking with it this long. I mean, sure, it's not the LONGEST series out there to catch up on. But my attention span, even if I love something, isn't usually THAT good. *dances* Granted, there have been breaks from when I was watching it and not.
New Hampshire really is quite pretty. I guess I'm just a sucker for New Enngland. Not that I have a lot to compair it to. At least not until I get to Finland and Japan. ;) Yea. scenery totally beats anime at the moment. Because, honestly, all I can think of when Erza comes on the screen is: oh god. The costume is so going to die on me. I'm going to get heckled so bad even if it doesn't.
I know I keep saying that but, I can't help it.
I really should get back to writing. This entire ride and I've only gotten a page done. I. Fail. But then again, I'll have a four hour wait between buses for writing too.
I should probably put the laptop up anyway. We only have an hour left, and I'd like to pack it when there is still some light. Meh. I have a little bit longer. Not that it makes any difference to those reading rambles..if...anyone actually reads these rambles.
And some asshole just smoked in the rest room. And the passanger behind me just got really angry with the bus driver. x.x He stopped the bus. On the highway. Was so not cool.
But I should end this journal now, and put the lappy away somewhat soon. So if this is my last 'net for a while- I LUFFS YOU ALL!