Is it just me or was that entire thing totally a : we have no clue if we're going to be renewed. So we're going to make this feel like a total ending. And if we do get renewed, it will conclude the Kripke-arch. Type...thing...
Holy shit. I didn't expect that to be such a blow in the gut as I wasn't as hyped up for it as I was last year's. By the time they hit the battlefield...
I I don't know where this sits with me. I THINK I like it... but at the same time, it's balanced in such a way that it's all so good and all so very bad.
solarbaby614 said: "CHUCK IS GOD!" that would be...hilarious.
Ending!Sam - Either Sam is still all vessely...or he's really Sam, or a future Sam, who doesn't want to ruin Dean's happily ever after, but is still terribly lonely.
Cas- archangel now? Superior? I WANT HIM BACK. Though, honestly, I could do a couple really AWESOME Cas eps then the majority (which didn't really feel like a majority) of random pop-ins with a few gems. But, seriously. Cas is just...Classic!Pre!Heaven!SPN was amazing. But now that I have Cas I just... I can't forget about him.
I just... we knew, pretty much, where this season was headed last season finale. We didn't know the details, but we knew we'd be taking Luci down. Or trying to, at least. But damn. How do you follow that without opening another five years of story?
I'm just afraid we'll look back and go: it should have ended here. (Buffy, Andromeda, Stargate, X-Files anyone?)
And come on, you're telling me that ANY ONE of you with the most REMOTE Dean/Cas bone in your body weren't PLEADING in your heads for Cas to say he'd stay. Except, you know, Cas is kinda epic and has to look at the bigger picture.
I also imagine the Wincest fans are going crazy with delight. Good for you guys, I gives you thumbs up for your cause!
Can I just say I felt SO bad for poor Jensen. He was so obviously sick in some of the scenes. Poor darlin'.