Dear Sir, or Ma'am.
I realize that you have better things to do on your Friday afternoon then be in the grocery store. Yes, I realize it's cold out. And no, we don't mind going after your carts. It's part of our job. But must you really put the LARGEST carts in a space for the MINI carts? One of the large takes almost the entire space of the little. Even my 4 year old cousin who came in later in the day was able to place the cart in the correct vicinity.
Dear Miss,
Thank you so much for taking time out of your own day to try to help an older woman who I could not as I had to stay near the counter when customers were around--and there were many. While you did not have to when I asked (a chore that I thought would be less taxing then it turned out to be as the woman couldn't remember what she wanted) and even though the mission was unsuccessful, it was greatly appreciate.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for being an amazing customer. Thank you for being willing to buy items that broke, but no, really we'll cover it. Yes. It was in the store, we got it. You want to sweep up the blueberries that came open? What's that, we have a line halfway down the dairy isle? THANK YOU. You have my love.
Dear sir,
Thank you for calling us to let us know you found the dog that had gone missing earlier in the day. I really appreciate it, personally. Thanks!
Dear Sir,
Thank you for wearing your RENT shirt. I realize this is a minor thing that I had no control over and I know you didn't do it for me. But it made me smile. Thanks!
Dear Mrs,
I know we've been busy all day. Yes, I know you've been here since 8. Yes, I know you've been helping us out a lot. But, yes, I do think I can bag my own groceries for the time it takes you to clean the meat slicer. Yes, this is mandatory. Yes, I get yelled at too if it's not done--and have been before for the last person on deli duty. Yes, I realize you probably just forgot. It's fine.
Dear Ms,
I know you need to go get your son. Go! Kids are important. But when you see five people in line when the other's busy in the deli..could you please save/recall your own items instead of leaving me a list to get to "when there's a break." You know Fridays better than me. You know these breaks don't come easy. So while I take that 30 secs to get a drink I'm fubling with your cigarettes. And have to stop this three times before I get it done.
Avoiding writing more NaNoWriMo before work... but I will say this. The map I made has saved my continuity so many times so far it's crazy.
So tired. Two giant cups of tea not helping. So do NOT want to go to work in less then an hour ;.; At register. all. night. 8. hours. of. register. That's assuming I get lunch. (had a 15 min one yesterday) But if I get through today, tomorrow's 'easier', then it's a normal 7 hour shift monday. Tuesday...I sleep.
At least I HAVE a day off this time 'round.
NaNoWriMo Word Count: 14505