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Your result for Which Vampire the Masquerade Clan Are You?...
The Assassins {Assamites}
17% Assamite, 14% Brujah, 10% Gangrel, 0% Malkavian, 2% Nosferatu, 4% Toreador, 5% Tremere, 12% Ventrue, 8% Lasombra, 10% Tzimisce, 11% Setites, 12% Giovanni and 10% Ravnos!
The Assamites are a clan fallen from grace. Assamites hail from the mysterious East and believe that by killing other vampires and drinking their blood, an Assamite will gain power. For this reason, the other twelve clans greatly fear the Assassins. However, the other clans are not beyond using an Assamite to remove a rival, as such they are the hired hitmen of the undead. An Assamite's driving goal is to gain blood and thus to gain power. They care little for the petty squables amongst the other clans and consider themselves beyond such wasteful passtimes.
For you to be an Assamite means that you have a very low empathy for others but a very high emotional resilience. Things don't get to you as easily as others and you tend not to notice that they don't. You strive to gain power, recognition and immortality but death to you is by means a dishonor or an end. Death is only the beginning...
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