Dec 03, 2007 08:49
The interview/testing in Cleveland seemed to go OK. About half way through the EXCEL 2003 test I got a bad feeling that I was going to bomb the test but they mentioned at the start that everybody seems to bomb it on their first try. When I was invited back later on that afternoon and talked to one of the individuals from the company I started to get a gut feeling telling me to RUN. I couldn't tell if it was my sub-conscious telling me this wasn't the job for me or just my body telling me it wasn't feeling good. As I think back on it I think it was a little bit of each. I explained what I was feeling to my primary contact and he told me to think about it and let him know in a few days so I am contemplating now.
I have a few promising phone interviews coming this week so I am still optomistic that I will get something. It might end up being in Wisconsin or Washington state but at this point I will move where the job requires me to be. I will try to post more as thing change.