Dec 11, 2004 15:32
We were supposed to have a LAN party yesterday, but Derek disappeared and we couldn't get ahold of anyone, so we ended up just playing HALO 2 here and passing controlers around. It wasn't that bad I guess, but it would have been better if we had a couple units going at once. Chris, Lauren's little brother, was over with us.
I've discovered that I've known a good way to make money this whole time, but I'm only just now tapping into it. Working on cars, for people who can't afford\don't want to go to a shop. I've already taken care of only two cars, made over $100. Best part is for the most part I work for myself.
Feeling lazy today, maybe just because it's a saturday; who knows.
Everyday since Lauren and I have gotten back together, I haven't stayed in a bad mood at all. I've had days that had their rough spots, but always after talking to her I feel better, no matter what happened. Lauren, I love you.