Title: Thus Shall it Come to Pass
Author: L145
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (RDM)
Character Focus: Kara Thrace (primary), Cylon Model #7, Ellen Tigh, Lee Adama (secondaries)
Flags: Gen
Spoilers: Through 415: No Exit. Diverges from the main series there, although this may include some aspects of future episodes that I accurately predicted.
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Haha, you don't have to worry about that. Celebrate all you want! It won't get taken away from her anytime soon. Although... she might endure some hardships along the way, of course, else there's no point in having a story!
I enjoy writing Ellen. I actually enjoy writing all the Cylons a lot. I'm not sure if it's me pushing this on them or not, but it seems to me like the Cylons can have more interesting scenes, like the conversation about Cavil vs. John with the names, I don't think the Humans would have that sort of a conversation about much. And I make the Cylons speak a bit more formally, which is something I absolutely love. I tend to write formally and so it's difficult for me to put things in every day dialogue. I don't worry so much about that with the Cylons.
Thanks for reading! Haha. I'm glad you're enjoying this! It's still just picking itself up, I'm not done setting things up yet.
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