Title: In Those Brief Moments, All I See is Red
Author: NightSpank
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara/Kendra, Kara/Lee
Rating: Overall PG-13 (sex, drinking, drug use)
Warnings: Femslash (sooooo close this time!)
Summary: Slight AU - Kendra hears the hybrid speak but is rescued off of the baseship at the last moment. (Okay, big huge frakking AU.)
Note on this chapter: I have NO IDEA what Kendra has in her syringe, nor any idea of what it does. I'm totally making all this up, and I really don't care how accurate it is, because... I have no idea.
Because Lee was sure as hell not going to, Kara decided to take charge of the situation, even if it wasn't necessarily her place.
Not like that had ever stopped her before, but she actually respected Lee, had been through hell and back with him. He had humored her through so many of her antics, gotten drunk with her, played Triad with her, gotten her out of the brig, probably even things she couldn't remember, being drunk and all. It was largely thanks to him that she was still sane at all.
And she hated feeling indebted to anyone. With this, they would be even.
Or, well, close to even. She had pulled quite a few stunts even just since the attack on the colonies. She had gotten herself stuck on that moon, slept with Baltar, run off to Caprica to get the Arrow of Apollo, tried and failed to sleep with Lee before accidentally shooting him...
She had more guilt than she wanted to have. Because Starbuck wasn't allowed to feel guilt - she just did what she wanted and everyone laughed it off, all used to it.
But Kara Thrace felt guilty. So, she was going to take care of this herself.
It was 18:26 exactly, if the clock by the hatchway was any indication. There wasn't a sun to tell time by, so what was morning and night anymore? The clock was just numbers, swirling and swimming and going around and around until she was dizzy.
The syringe fell from Kendra's hands to the ground and she let herself fall to the floor, sitting, leaning back against the cold metal wall. Such a harsh contrast, her skin felt on fire. But it was good.
Colours exploded around her vision and she let her mind flow with the sparks until something slammed loudly and she struggled to focus on what exactly caused the noise. Her eyes trailed along the counter-top, trying to follow the harsh contour until she reached the hatchway and noticed a figure leaning against the closed hatch.
"A little early for that, isn't it?"
The words sounded muffled, like she was underwater, but she knew what was being asked of her. Her shaking hands reached out to the counter and she used it to support her weight as she forced herself up to stand. As the fuzziness was beginning to subside, she was pleased to note that her knees did not immediately buckle under her weight.
"I'm not on duty," she managed in response.
Kara grinned and stated, "Neither am I."
Of course. "Time?"
"A little after 20:00." Then, Kara smirked. "Too early for a drink, you think?"
Kendra shook her head and felt her eyes bring her surroundings back into focus. After letting out a quiet sigh, she turned to Kara, seeing only the top of her ponytail peeking out from behind the top of the fridge door.
"So," Kara began, slamming the fridge door shut and straightening up. "I hear you turned in your mission report."
"I hear you turned in yours," Kendra shot back. "Although, I believe the regulations state that you turn in your reports to me, not the Commander."
Kara grinned. "I see whatever that stuff is doesn't last too long, huh?"
"It lasts long enough."
"Does it?"
Rather than responding directly to the question, Kendra instead straightened her posture and narrowed her eyes. "Did you have something you wanted to say to me, Captain?"
Kara unscrewed the cap of the bottle she was holding and held it up for a drink, letting the cool alcohol run down her throat before slamming the now half-filled bottle back on the counter next to her. "You know what, Major? I think I did. Still do."
Before responding, Kendra's thoughts briefly flitted towards how drunk Kara might have gotten even before she came here. And then remembered that she did whatever the hell she wanted to even when sober, so it probably wouldn't make much of a difference. "We're both off duty, let's have it."
"You -" Kara stated firmly, taking a few steps closer to where Kendra was standing near the back of the room. "- have been acting different since I brought you back."
"I think that almost dying would do that to a person," Kendra responded with a glare, ignoring how as they got closer, she began to see red around the edges of her vision. "Anything else?"
Kara continued to step closer still, until they were inches apart, and goosebumps rose on her arms. In a softer, more honest voice, she asked, "It has to do with me, doesn't it?"
Kendra had to get away, had to back up and leave the room as fast as she could - she couldn't maintin her composure and command respect if this continued. Even though the effects of her drugs had worn off, her vision had begun to swim and her breaths were coming in shallow gasps.
"She is the Herald of the Apocalypse, the Harbinger of Death."
But her feet were glued to the ground, her body not wanting to move.
"Am I right?"
The hand that Kendra was resting on the counter next to her was pressing down hard, her knuckles turning white. Her eyes were so narrowed, she felt almost cross-eyed. Yet, she couldn't move, couldn't run away, couldn't ignore the question being asked of her.
It wasn't her intention to do so, but Kendra spoke in a hushed tone, "You are the Harbinger of Death, Kara Thrace. You will lead us all to our end."