Mar 20, 2003 15:21
Yay! Spring is here! Let's celebrate with a nice healthy slab of WAR!
Right. I was truly contemplating silence on this subject. I figure that if I don't end up one of the casualties in this war, then I'll live to witness many more, so what's the point in being so passionate and hateful and cynical in the vulgar wording I'm bound to use throughout this entry. This is not the first war and certainly won't be the last as long as human beings are infatuated with showing their balls and military power, so why even bother?
Because that IS who I am, godfucking damnit! That's what I do. I bother, and as a matter of fact, I bother a whole fucking lot. There's not enough reason for me to actually give a shit and there sure as hell isn't enough reason for me not to. But fuck reason. My world has rejected reason. I'm pretty damn sure it doesn't even exist. The point is, I can't sit just here with my cold feet and hands and aching fucking stomach and chest and pretend to look away or be apathetic. I can't even reach over to scratch my left shoulder without nearly passing out from pain and it's all the government's fault (yes, that's right...and not just this country's government...they're ALL responsible for my strange ailment) and if all I can do is run my mouth off about how stupid everyone is, then that's exactly what I'm going to do. I pride myself on talking shit. I should be honored and given a plaque or something. We'll come back to that later.
As a note for those who don't like reading long posts, or who vehemently disagree with my anti-patrioticism, then you can just scroll. The fuck. On.
I don't support this war and for one simple reason. WAR DOES NOT WORK. Someone needs to send every goddamn government out there that memo. With each war the problem we initially wanted to rid the world of has still existed in the end, amongst all the dead bodies and destruction. Does anyone see a pattern here? Doesn't anyone find this a little redundant? There is no way in hell, or heaven, for that matter, that I'm going to just nod along and drool and wave a stupid souvenir flag that some kid from some other country made for a nickel after having sat through history class and dragged my brain through what felt like glass learning, what has to be, the most painstaking subject in all of education. ::takes deep breath:: Ha, my quick bout with lightheadedness there must be second nature to our dear president. Poor him. Having left college with the prestigious BEST FUCKING ATTENDANCE award, I'm sure we can always trust that he'll be excellent in that area. Oh wait, is President Bush in the country? Hmm. Is Saddam Hussein is his? I thought this war was about them and their beef... Heh. Wrong again, Maine, wrong again. You see, they just advocated the war. They're not actually going to be a PART of it. Hehe, silly Maine. I see how you might think they'd actually stand by what their fighting for but what you forget is that courage has no place in government, politics or war. Neither does honesty.
Well, shit. Maybe I wanted to go to a club today. Or maybe just out for a walk. But no. Now I have to worry about being attacked with a weapon of mass destruction. Did you know that they're teaching my brother how to deal with a nuclear bomb attack in school? Yep. See, their brilliant instructions for the students is to STAND IN A DOORWAY or UP AGAINST A WAR. So great. I refuse to go out because I worry about getting bombarded with things that, if not kill me in the initial hit, will make my fingers fall off and my ass grow a tail.
Too much has been underestimated. I feel like everyone is conditioned to believe that Saddam is not only evil ::shoots self in head:: but is also stupid and ignorant. I suppose the only comfort is that he thinks the same about us. Although that's not really a comfort. That's just another stupid thought.
Is being apathetic and jaded better than this? I can't stop thinking about who is paying for this war and who will. It doesn't seem fair that so much gets to be this horrifyingly unbalanced. It's not like I can avoid feeling this way. The media is on this war the way and over-aggravated bull would be on a cowboy. When did the news become so MTV and Blockbuster? That could just be the most sickening of it all. The media covering the war SHOULD be unbiased and emotionless. I hated seeing the gleaming eyes and sly smirks as I was informed that Baghdad has been bombed and that we have yet to see the results of those bombings. Right. Translation: We have yet to see the dead bodies and fallen structures that congratulate this country's power. Oh, how they would love to rub themselves to that image. ::tries not to throw up::
But America is still the best, right? In the end, this is the best there is. What a terribly depressing and disappointing notion. I wish I wasn't so lucky. That way my hate for this country would be justified in other's eyes.
They gave us a new refrigerator.