Sep 07, 2008 15:10
It seems like most of my dreams have become thinly veiled after-school specials.
Last night I dreamt about kobolds. About goblins. It was a TV special on their history and all I could do was watch it all happen.
It explained how it all started as primitive god worship. They killed a kid so that they would have someone to pray to. Of course, it wouldn't be any more powerful than any other death unless they made it special. So they kept this kid from interacting with other people. They kept him in a tent his entire life and never let him see the sky. I read about this in a book, btw. I have no idea how true it is. They fed him the best food and gave him the most comfortable life possible for their tribe.
Then one night they dragged him from his tent to where they were dancing around a fire, beating drums, chanting, and lanced him through with two great swords. Then they put his body in a chest to keep their god close to them. It makes sense, I suppose. More portable than a totem pole or a church.
This was a long time ago in the black forest.
The dream marched on, telling me all about the next children they sacrificed to the first, about an endless procession of evil acts meant to do good. Every generation not learning from the one before. And the thing was, the kobolds eventually gained power. They were no longer content to be corpses, they now walked their forest awash with power, wrapping themselves in borrowed flesh. Twisted mockeries of what they represented.
They played tricks on the witless, petty cruelties on travelers, but the worst was always saved for children. They whispered in the ears of parents, telling them to beat and maim, to commit infanticide. And so they grew stronger, feeding on the hurt of others, knowing only the pain they themselves had endured.
And then I started seeing what it really was.
Parents, beaten as children, beating their own children. Violence begetting more violence. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
The end of the dream occured in a great church. Every child was now delivered to the disgusting kobolds right on the altar. Every boys genitals were mutilated while the kobolds laughed and laughed at their joke. The profane made sacred. Every girl was made into a slave. They didn't mutilate their bodies, they mutilated their minds. All while the parents bowed their heads and prayed, in great long lines, pew after pew filled to the brim with people who only knew their own torment.
I've been reading a lot lately. Any port in a storm, you know?