Issues and my life.

Aug 11, 2007 02:27

So about five things are really on my mind right now, but I'll focus on two of them and get to a third if I feel up to it.

The first would be a commercial I just watched. In the commercial a little boy, maybe 3-5, is watching a happy, dancing penguin on his television. The voice-over talks about how schedules are obsolete. We should dictate our own times to watch things and this is the age of entertainment, brought to you by so and so. While he talks, the child continues to watch the same thing on the back of his mother's chair in the car, while cuddling a fuzzy penguin. Then they go to a mall to meet a dressed up man in a penguin suit.

The child is overwhelmed by the penguin, and his mother comforts him as she leads him away and he watches the same penguin antics now on his PSP.

Okay. This commercial makes it seem alright that the child is so conditioned to watch, that the idea of participating freaks him the fuck out. Which is cool. Because his mom is paying for all these gadgets that keep him as far from reality as humanly possible. Fucking LAME!

They did a study where they found out if a speaker goes to a classroom or a board or speaks in front of any crowd, when he is videotaped and the video is fed to a screen RIGHT NEXT TO HIM, people watch the screen.

With a person standing right in front of them, they trust the video. They are enthralled by the "reality" of the unreal. It sickens me.

We are so fucking detached. And we just get more so and more so all the time. Honestly, this is how I feel about my life. Like there's so little that's even resembling real. How will I ever have a relationship with anyone, when you can watch the same relationship on TV... only better, because you get the whole story all the time. No matter how incomplete it actually is.

Secondly, there's a fucking hotel opening in space in 2012. It will cost approximately 4 million dollars US for a 3 night stay.

The carbon emissions from the rocket to get six fucking people into space is enormous. Like, more than if those people were each driving ten cars continuously for a year. A lot more.

How is this okay? Why do we live in a world where this kind of waste is acceptable? Approximately 40,000 people could afford this trip. How many will is uncertain. It's costing 3 billion dollars to build this stupid, stupid contraption. This distraction. This trophy moment.

If we spent this time and effort to do something good for the world, instead of all of these affluent retardations... can you imagine the results? Maybe a world where curable disease is not still spreading virtually unchecked in certain countries, perhaps a world where starvation is a thing of the past, where population is controlled through education and pregnancy prevention instead of ignorance and prayer (same thing, I know).

It's just... GAH!!! The people who can afford this shit? Mostly are those who have some hand in things like war or profiting from wars or destroying the environment or taking advantage of people. It's disgusting!!! Am I the only one outraged? Probably not. And you know what's worse? We can't do a thing to stop it. These rich morons are the ones with the power, the ones with a voice.

Okay, enough of that.

In other news...
Yeah, idk about my personal life.
As far as a job goes... I might be doing some filing/data entry stuff. Muey excited about that!

Dating is... weird. I just am so out of feelings at the moment, but am getting asked out frequently. Most of them I've just flat out turned down because I'm not into sex at the moment. I mentioned my cycles. But this goes beyond that. I've cum once in the last two weeks. I just never ever feel into it. It starts happening and then I just think about kissing somebody and it doesn't feel right anymore.

I mentioned how not into sex I am to my roommate and he said it was extremely unusual for a male my age. He's probably right, but I am at a loss on how to fix that. For now, the idea of holding someone's hand and actually feeling it seems worlds better than shoving my junk into another guy's junk. How emo is it that I'm this big party kid and what I want is a little fucking romance and meaning? Perhaps it's because so many guys want to have sex with me but so few want anything else. Nothing new there.

Oh wells. Life goes on.

My glowsticking isn't going crazy well, unfortunately. But I am improving slowly, so that's cool. Got butterflies down pretty well, working on perfecting my plane work. Doing btb stuff more and more. Btb=behind the back, fyi. fyi=for your information, fyi. ;)

Right now my big thing is 3 beat weaves and 5 beat weaves. When I get both of those down, I'll put videos up on youtube of me doing it.

Oddly enough, 5 beat weaves are coming a bit easier to me. Supposedly they are harder, but I get it down with moving my wrist. The delay is part of what makes it easier for me.

Enough of that.

I have to go to sleep and be ready for Tiesto tomorrow. I'll tell you how it was later.

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