Had a rather lovely day today. Slept in late, played with my Simmies, and then decided to get out of the house. Went only to get thread, but came back with some extra stuff. Besides, I had a gift card for Vintage Stock that needed using! Got meself Final Fantasy II for the PSP (I'm trying to play each FF, just for the hey of it) and then Weston (good buddy who works at VS) talked me into buying Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Bro gives generously, so I was able to buy both and have some left over for something else.
Well, Vintage Stock proved to be a place of interest tonight. Several crazies out tonight. One was this chick that has a crush on Weston. She called him "Senior monkey" (guys got Xaldin sideburns, so I can see this) and took one look at me and said "you remind me of a bunny." My inner!Kuja was highly offended. Bunny is Seph's nickname. XD
But the really funny/scary part was when this other girl walked into the store. She heard the song that was playing (can't recall what it was) and immediately declared "OMG! This song was on Twilight! *fangasm noises*" My reaction: o.O O.o........ Dear lordy I didn't know that Twitards had fangams merely upon hearing a song on the Twilight soundtrack! Of course, my inner snarky music lover wanted to ask "yes, but can you name the artist and the original ablum?" (Would've asked Weston to go look it up for meh first. Their music is on a playlist that they can pick and chose from.... lucky devils.) Actually.... I just wanted to smack her period.....
Or do this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzkLhREadCQ And now, for the culture section of todays' post, a lil Cirque du Soliel: