There was much fun to be had at TnT '09. Plenty of FF peeps to go around. ^_^ Twas at the lovely Double Tree Hotel and Tulsa Convention Center.
Thursday - Before the Con
Reno and I still had some last minute things to do. I had to hem the sleeves of my Kuja cosplay and pack. She had to finish her Reno wig. Yes, Reno has been restyled - again. It's been colored darker now so it doesn't show up in BRIGHT red. Much better now. *nods* We went to bed around 1 am.
Friday - Day 1
Due to a combination of nerves and excitement, we woke up at 7 am. A most ungodly hour if you ask me. Reno couldn't go back to sleep, so she got up and got on the computer. I just rolled over and went back to sleep til 9 am. ^_^ After we woke up and got dressed, we started loading up the car. We had to go get ice for our little ice chest. We decided to take food to this con because Hotel food is expensive and we thought we wouldn't be able to leave the hotel due to parking fees. There aren't that many food places around the con, so we just decided that bringing food was good. We ate well this con, methinks.
Anyways, we got the car loaded, got our casual Organization XII cosplays on, and went to go get Demyx before heading onto the turnpike towards Tulsa. I live about 90 miles away from Tulsa, so we had a long drive ahead of us.
Halfway there, we stopped at a McDonalds/Gas Station for lunch. Fun was had by all as we got the usual odd stares and even comments. ^_^ I drove the first half and Reno took over for the 2nd Half.
We got to the hotel without issue, checked in, and got our badges. Oklahoma in July is one of the hottest places ever, so going back and forth to the car to get all of our stuff was MURDER. And that hotel had so... many... stairs! I killed my legs on the first day running up and down them as Saix, yelling "TRAINING EXERCISE," much to my Demyx's annoyance. >:D Mostly because Saix is the unofficial 2nd in comand of the Organization and he would do that. ^_^
Saix on a leash! We ran into a group of KH cosplayers running around in Casual style, too, and they had a Xemnas. Xemnas is the superior and Saix swears his loyalty to him. Weeeellll, my Demyx happened to buy a chain leash at the con and I have a collar that I wear. There were a few scuffles to get the leash on me. Saix doesn't take kindly to being leashed, and when they finally got it on me, I dropped to the floor in defeat. A small photoshoot ensued.
Dem: Grrrr. You're not gonna make ME do any more training exercises!
By the end of the 1st day, I was sweating so much that the spirit gum holding my scar on began to wear off. I changed out of Saix around 8 pm and started to relax in prep for Day 2. Save for the fact my friends had other plans... the escapades were many and fun, but we finally crashed around 1 am.
Saturday- Day 2
Saturday began early, like Friday. Reno and Yuffie woke up around 7 am (again) and began to talk and giggle, which woke ME up, and then Demyx woke up. Dem isn't a morning person, and neither am I, but I began to get ready with Reno and Yuffie. I was Kuja that day and had my Acting Panel at 12 pm. Dem and I headed down to the con around 10 am, allowing for people to take photos of me as Kuja as well as get in line for Vic and Travis's Ouran High School Host Club panel at 11 am, the panel right before mine in the same room. The panel was highly entertaining. Yuffie stayed with me while Dem and Reno went around getting photos and videos as well as meeting up with Yaz and our new Cloud.
A little Cleno for chooo!
Is our new Cloud, ain't she cuuuuute? Her little sister was running around as Cissnei from Crisis Core.
The ever lovely Mana as Yazzy:
At Noon, we all met back up at my panel. I wasn't happy with it, mainly because it ran at the same time as the VA signings, so there was like... nobody there....
Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnyyyways, before the prejudging of the cosplay contest at 2 pm, we all had a lovely impromptu FF/KH photoshoot with the ever awesome SkyPirate. We don't have all the photos yet, but we have a few:
Left 2 Right: Kuja FF IX (Moi), Yazzy FFVII:AC (Mana), Yuffie FFVII:AC (Rachel), Reno FFVII: AC (TurkReno22), Zexion KHRe:CoM (Neji), Cloudy FFVII:AC (Otaku4evr), Lexaeus KHRe:CoM/ Lolita Variation 8D (I dun knooowww, sorry Lexy!)
Sexxxxyyyy Reno!
Yuffie! (Not SkyPirate, Reno actually took this one.)
At 1:30 pm, I headed off for the Pre-judging. I was the only one of the group to enter the cosplay contest (as Kuja). I was glad I left so early because people stopped me every 5 minutes to take photos with me. Kuja is sexy and popular. ^_^
Random Photo Taim!
Kidnap the Yazzy, version 1. Yaz doesn't look like he minds too much tho....
Kidnap the Yaz, version 2! Actually, Dem just wanted to see if she could pick Mana up... she could.
Kuja's WTF face... or my reaction to the fact that there were NO SEPHIROTH'S! What the fudge?! It's not a con without a Sephiroth!
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactaur! That guy was awesome... and he was the con's sound dude. We all had fun trying to do the cactaur run. The Moogle just looks on...
I was so happeh when I ran into some other Final Fantasy IX people, namely a Garnet and a Beatrix, as well as a Zidane seperate from them. We had much fun and photos:
Poor Princess Garnet/ Dagger, stuck between two faaabulous villans. Tee hee!
Just had to show off the back of Beatrix's jacket. She HAND EMBROIDERED THIS:
It's MY Canary! Mine! You can't have it!
The Genome brothers prepare to battle it out.
Or not...
Zidane: Oh god... it's touching me...
Kuja: <3
OH NOES! Kuja got killededed!
The moogle tries to kill off Kuja for being his vain self while Yuffie catches a quick nap.
5 pm was the cosplay contest. Kuja didn't win, but came close. Ah well, can't have it all. I changed out of Kuja after that because he was surprisingly warm for wearing so little. I wore a dancewear, flesh-colored catsuit that served to keep modesty. I don't think it added too much by way of warmth because it was really breathable. *shrugs*
Reno and I got into "bed-time" versions of Reno and Vincent to go to Spike Spenser's panel "Don't Kill Your Date and other Cooking Tips" at 11 pm. Weee were sooo out of it by that time. After Spike's panel, we headed up to bed.
Sunday - Day 3
Once again, we were up at 7 am. Well, Yuffie was. She woke me up by shuffling around the room, packing. I got up and took a shower before changing into Vincent. I don't have really any good photos from Sunday because Dem's camera was dead and mine sucks. Also, we left around Noon because we had to be out of our hotel room by then. So, Reno and I headed home. Dem was picked up at the hotel by her mom because they were going to visit family in Tulsa.
Reno and I got back to my house at around 2 pm after a few mishaps with the ice chest. (Note to self: never transport an ice chest that has water in it without securing the chest or dumping out the water beforehand.) We chilled for a bit before I took her home.
Didn't get much by way of con swag this year. Just a small Bento Box and a Pentagram ring.
It was an awesome con tho!
My Tnt Vid, is a Slideshow and Random Vid combo: Lots more photos here of other cosplays from other fandoms. Including Rants from Russia and Axel. ^_^
A late night talk with the Captain of the Icarus: was about 10:30pm Saturday night. We were waiting for Spike's panel and struck up a conversation with the trekkie siting few rows behind us. Don't mind us we were tiiiiiired.