Apr 10, 2009 12:09
Yeah, I did a friends cut today. Most of you are safe, though...
To most of those that have been cut, we've done well together in the past, but lately I don't feel as though this friendship we have/had is anything resembling a two way street, and I refuse to do all the work myself. I can understand being busy, but posting regularly, yet never saying anything to me unless I post to you just doesn't do it for me. I need people that care about what's going on in MY life as much as I care about what's going on in yours.
To some others, I kinda feel as though we've just lost that connection all around. Nobody's fault, it's just that neither of us is interested in the others' posts anymore...
To the rest of you, the reason for the cut is that I simply never hear from you here anymore, so I've just assumed you've gone. If you happen to come back one day and actually WANT to have an LJ, then let me know, but that kind of behavior makes me feel as though me, my thoughts, and the thoughts and daily activities of any other friends you happen to have on here have been dumped and you could care less about anyone else. Especially when I still see you writing up a storm in other sites like Facebook, where it's almost impossible to REALLY keep up with anyone.
I do wish you all luck in everything you do, and believe it or not, I will miss you (in in some cases I HAVE missed you for a while). I hope everything is all right with you guys, though. Good luck to you all!