My dad and I were supposed to go to the hospital to visit my mother on Sunday and it ended up where he had to wait for a delivery. The man who was delivering it had to do it then otherwise we wouldn't get him again until mid-January. So my dad stayed home and I went to the hospital myself. The visit went fine until I was about to leave. My
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Yes, the phone! I am such an idiot. I completely forgot to email you and tell you that we no longer have that phone. I am spacing a LOT lately, so please don't be offended. I've been worrying about my mother and I'm not sleeping at all well. Maybe 2-3 hours a night tops. Ugh. She had an abscess and I think her seizure medicine she was taking is what caused it. That medicine, we found out, has been poisoning her. For about 3-4 years now. Wonderful. I'm looking into getting a drug injury lawyer because I feel someone is at fault for this. I researched on the net and they say this medicine gives darker skinned races a higher potential to develop TEN (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) or Cell Death. This can kill your tissues. So when the doctor went in to operate on her neck? He told me he found Necrotic tissue instead of the usual pus/inflammation.
Inquiring minds huh?
So I'm thinking that if I can get on the internet and find this information like it's widely known news, then how come her neurologist--who not only gave her the pills, but a higher dosage--prescribed this shit for her? I mean, am I grasping at straws here or what?
I just want for this nightmare to be over with.
Hope your New Year's is much better than mine is going so far.
I'll email you about the phone number.
As for the phone, don't worry about it, spacing is normal in such trying times, I just wanted to let you know that I had reached out, that's all. (And I'm definitely not offended, so you just put that out of your mind right now.)
As for the no sleeping, you might want to take something so you can sleep one good day, because in exhaustion, things look so much worse. I found that out the hard way.
Thank you.
And yes, I took a tylenol pm last night and slept straight for about 9 hours. So yeah I'm all bright eyed and bushy-tailed right about now.
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