Apropos of nothing in particular, but while I'm thinking about it...

Dec 22, 2011 00:08

I wish more concert venues understood that some people who go to concerts have issues with epilepsy/seizures.  It's becoming more and more common, particularly in the pop/rock shows, to have some sort of projected light display behind and around the performers.  Sometimes it's a "laser light show", sometimes it's flashing pictures/artwork of some sort, sometimes it's a combination of both things.  The lasers/pictures themselves don't really bother me, it's the frequency at which they flash.  The more rapid the strobing effect, the more prone it is to give me problems.

Several years ago, shortly after hubby began working at his current job, his department head invited everyone to a get together at the local bowling alley.  Imagine my (and an epileptic coworker of hubby's) surprise when, about twenty minutes in, the bowling alley shut off all the regular lighting, blacklit the entire facility, and punctuating the blacklighting were hundreds of flashing white lights! And this continued about every half hour for the duration of our stay, which was about three hours.

I get that it's "art", it's "pretty", it's "cool".  I get that there's probably a tiny minority of us for whom such displays are a problem.  But I still find it annoying.
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