Health woes

Apr 04, 2011 21:28

I know I haven't really done an original post in forever, mainly just posting links for other ppl's stuff that I liked.  But if it's not asking too much, some good vibes sent my way would be much appreciated.

Beginning around December, within six weeks I'd gained 40 lbs, and it keeps climbing.  I'm not diabetic.  My thyroid is at the upper limit of normal, but still normal.  And save all the smart cracks about "holiday food", since we no longer have contact with the Parental Units, I don't do a big spread, and neither does my MIL, so that's not an issue.

So now they want me to do a 24-hr urine collection, which I started this morning.  Now, I'm no nephrologist, but I must admit to being rather surprised at how little I've put out since about 9 this morning.

My GP thinks it might be nephritis, or "inflammation of the kidneys".  I know enough about that to understand that nephritis isn't generally a condition unto itself, it's almost always a symptom of something else.  In some cases, cancer.

I'm trying hard not to psych myself out, but we're broke, and hubby's out of town, and I'm sitting here feeling rather depressed and sorry for myself.  "This too shall pass", as they say, but right now I just feel bleh.

So, anything y'all can do to cheer me up would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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