Oh, man, if you thought I was pissed off before...

Jun 28, 2010 22:28

I spoke to Rebecca about an hour ago.  She's the one I met at the HA convention, who ended up needing to go to the Cleveland Clinic ER for a headache she'd had, at that time, all week.  They xrayed/CTed her, and they lowered (!) the pressure on her shunt, but they refused to do an MRI because "her doctor did order one, but he decided she was doing well enough, he canceled it."  So she gets home to Kent only to find a letter from Medicaid preauthorizing her to have an MRI.


That happened on a Friday.  They told her in the ER that her doctor would see her "on Monday".  Turned out they meant, not the immediately forthcoming Monday, but a week from that because "her neurosurgeon's out of town".


So she finally sees him this past Friday (will wonders never cease).  He lowered the pressure on her shunt *again*, even though her headache had originally worsened after he lowered the pressure in his office the first time, and she's gotten significantly worse since they lowered the pressure in the ER.  He tried to give her some bullshit about how "paradoxically, he knows it doesn't make sense, but it should help".

I'm gonnna give myself a migraine if I keep banging my head on my desk...

And...are you ready for it? Wait for it...

The icing on the cake of incompetence this asshole is intent on serving her is that not only is he *still* refusing to put in the order for an MRI, even though *Rebecca showed him the preauth letter*, but now he wants her to wait *one month* before he'll see her again!

What the fuck kind of lazy pissant self righteous I-can't-be-bothered-with-Medicaid-patients fucked up utter bullshit is that?!

Rebecca's in Kent, OH.  We're in Houston, TX.  Man, if we could afford it I'd be on the next redeye out there.  I *know* what it's like to have those types of headache.  She's in so much pain that at this point she's literally struggling to speak.  And we're powerless to help.

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