Jun 26, 2003 01:30
This post goes out to Amanda Billy, who, as we may very well be reading this, is RISKING HER LIFE AMIDST THE RANGE COURSE AT DRIVER'S ED. I went through this very experience a year ago, last summer, and I know FIRST-HAND its evils. Of course, my most hated experience was taking tests and doing schoolwork during the writing portion of the class, but still, I've always hated that crap.
Amanda, a word of advice, crank up the radio when no one is listening (it helps), and just let it flow. It's a lot like using the force, you've got to use intuition and instinct to avoid those cones. The car is more manueverable than you think. Just have fun out there... in the sweltering heat. x.x
You have my support! I've been there! Call me if you want to talk about Driver's Ed or just hang out.