Lack of sleep = surrealism

Oct 10, 2006 19:08

The other day I sat down and started thinking - it's ok, the world is still here and we have yet to have Satan up complaining about his central heating so everyone wincing/cringing/hiding (strike as appropriate) melodramatically can stop. Where was I? Oh yes, thinking.

Why is it, for a species which survives due to its intellect (lets face it, compared to most of the rest of the life on Earth we're simply crap physical wise) being intelligent is such a bad thing? Now before some of you reply saying 'But we have universities, we have compulsory education - our general literacy and mathematics comprehension is about the highest ever!' let me rephrase.

Starting at the tender age of being small, some of the worst insults (before the wonderful four letter ones came in and removed everything else from our vocabulary of upsetting people) we had were relating to intelligence. You're a geek, nerd! (that one has to be sneered to get the right effect), bookworm and so on and so forth. So yeah, we were insulting intelligence, only we we're insulting intelligent people, can someone please make sense of this for me?

But wait, it gets far more confusing! As we grow up, we get these things called hormones wreaking bloody wrathful hell on our bodies and we start to notice other people in new and interesting ways and want to do things like kiss and sexxor them (nod to the geeks there). Unfortunately these hormone things also do fun things like make our limbs longer so we get all awkward (gangly - wonderful word) and give us acne and other fun problems, of course we like to do these interesting things, such as sex/kissing so we become all interested in our appearance. Understandable. So how is it that 'You're ugly' is far more insulting than 'You're stupid'?

I understand the whole 'Sex drives our life' thing that we apparently have (just look at anything relating to advertising to see what I mean) and we like attractive people, they are nice to look at and so on and so forth. Yet, we don't tend to choose our partners on their looks alone, normally intelligence, charm, humour all play large parts to it, so how come (and I generalise here, but we are all guilty of it at times) we are so much more traumatised by insults to our looks than most things?

Seriously, lacking in answers here, feel free to add your opinions, I would attempt to do some sort of funky freeform response things however very few people read this, and of those that do MOST OF YOU ARE LAZY BUGGERS WHO CAN'T BE ARSED TO RESPOND. Ahem, all better.

Bored now.
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