Oct 09, 2007 15:19
That girl finally messaged me on Gaia and thanked me so nicely for the freebie. I don't reeally know what to think.
Yesterday, Jeremy and I went to Austin, visited Jessie, and checked out a few more apartments. We followed the fam's advice and checked out a couple of them at night, and they felt totally safe. One had a really brightly lit parking lot with no one outside, and the other was more dim, and there was one guy (who looked perfectly respectable in his kakhi shorts) going out to his car and one guy coming in on a motorcycle, but other than that, no one. Both places were south of 71, west of Congress. The second one we went inside of earlier in the day, and I liked it well enough. The other place we couldn't find the leasing office, though, but we'll try again next time we're there, sometime later in the week.
Jeremy bought us a couple of hats at Target. They're the same hat, but one's black, and one's white. They're awesome and make me totally happy.
I am seriously looking forward to the movie Beowulf. I love that story hard. And naked fight scene? Hells fucking yes. 8D