Jul 14, 2007 10:10
I am presented with the most amazing opportunity.
Living in my favourite city with one of my all-time best friends, my sexy boyfriend, and my beloved cousin.
Would that not make me the absolute luckiest person ever?
I mean, it's not a sure thing just yet. But there's a chance. And that's good enough to make me happy.
And I know we'll have our problems, squabbles and whatnot.
And I foresee some getting-used-to for all of us.
But this...this could be some serious fun.
Not only that, though. As for my life, I've got a pretty good plan set up.
First year, work in Austin.
Second year, work and school at ACC in Austin.
Third year, start work and school at UNT in Denton.
Or hey, you know, maybe I could go to UT (ha, I doubt I could get in) or St. Ed's. I kind of hesitate to go to a school that advertises on TV and spams me with mail, but I've heard some pretty good things about them.
As for jobs, it's tough, because I haven't got any previous experience, so looking at my application, I seem kind worthless. But maybe, just maybe someone will be desperate enough to hire me. If nothing else, I could probably get a job at Target.
The biggest concern right now is having to commute to Austin for work until we earn enough money to get an apartment.
I'm not sure at this point if I'd prefer a co-op or an apartment, since the four of us in a co-op would be around $450 per person, including food and utilities, and the four of us in an apartment would be around $150-$200 per person, excluding food and most utilities. The bonus to the co-op is the food and the excellent company, but with four of us, it wouldn't really be cost-effective. Jeremy estimates food costing around $100-$200 a month per person, living cheaply, and utilities being around $25 per person. I'm not sure if that'll actually be how much we'll be spending, but I'm hoping it'll give us an idea.
Like I said, this is by no means a sure thing.
But I want it to be.