Dec 15, 2006 14:11
I think I'm just going to get a few Guildsters something for Christmas. I really wish I could get something for everyone, but I don't have the money, and I don't know everybody that well.
I've been thinking maybe I should get a couple of back-up gifts - general stupid things that anybody would like - for anyone I don't get a present for, just in case they get me something. >.> SNEAKY, I KNOW.
The Guild Christmas party is maaaaybe going to be after finals on Thursday or on Friday next week. Apparently, I'll be in Austin next Saturday and in Utah on Sunday'd have to go back and see. Oh well.
On Thursday, we get out of school early, and Jeremy gets off of work at around 4:30, so he'd have more time to hang out. On Friday, we have all day off, but Jeremy gets off at around 6:30, so he wouldn't get to the party until around 8:00. ;_;Maybe a sleepover? >.< But whose parents would allow a co-ed sleepover?
I'm scared of trying out for top band. ;_; I'm not very good, and I've never played tenor before.
Ugh. I do not want to study for finals. The Desktop Publishing review was really hard. And in English and Economics..well...there's so much to cover! And I didn't read Tale of Two Cities or Frankenstein for English. D: Porbably going to fail.