sirenspull TEST DRIVE MEME

Jun 06, 2011 13:52

Siren's Pull Test Drive Meme

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JESSICA HAMBY | True Blood (w/ Kannagara background) in_starvation June 6 2011, 18:06:57 UTC
you know you want awkwardchans hobbit prophet paterelohim June 6 2011, 18:45:04 UTC
[Hi, look who just ducked into the building you're in when the Sirens went off. Stupid friggin' Chuck's caught out at night again, but at least he made it in a building this time.

Chuck closes the door just a bit more enthusiastically than necessary and turns around, breathing hard. He doesn't even know where he is, in all honesty, but it's inside.

Oh. There's a person. Awkward smile time.] Oh, wow- uh, hi. Sorry about- that.


oh god why so cute god in_starvation June 6 2011, 19:00:20 UTC
[ Jessica, on the other hand, doesn't really have much problems with the monsters. Maybe she's a monster herself, or perhaps she knows when to fight and when to flee. Either way, she has to blink owlishly at the guy's barging in. ]

Oh. Hi. It's no problem, anyway. I know those things out there can be pretty nasty.

[ Says the vampire. ]


:3 :3 :3 paterelohim June 6 2011, 19:32:42 UTC
[At some point Chuck will realize he's talking to a vampire, and it will be very funny. Right now all he sees is a pretty teenager who twenty or so years ago he would have been super awkward at, but now just makes him wonder why the Core has to keep calling children.]

Yeah, uh- thanks. They're pretty awful. I have no clue at all what to do, either, I'm still new here. [Steps away from the door and offers his hand.] I'm Chuck Shurley, by the way.


in_starvation June 6 2011, 19:58:14 UTC
[ Unfortunately in vampire terms she's practically a baby herself. Only several months old at best. ]

Jessica Hamby. I just arrived here.

Place is a lot more modern than the last place I was in.


paterelohim June 6 2011, 19:59:29 UTC
Really? Wow, welcome to the shitcan. [Snort.] What was the last place you were in?


in_starvation June 6 2011, 20:03:58 UTC
This dimension-place called Kannagara. It's like in ancient Japan, but with dragons and gods and sometimes the occasional monster invasion. I was there for nearly a year before I got yanked here.


paterelohim June 6 2011, 21:30:22 UTC
Wow. Really? Japan? You don't, uh, look like the ancient Japanese type.

How'd you wind up there?


in_starvation June 7 2011, 00:10:41 UTC
That's because I'm not. I'm from Bon Temps, Louisiana. From there I got yanked to Kannagara and now I'm taken here. Don't ask me how or why, though.

[ She spreads her arms in a shrug. ]

So by now, I'm used to traveling in dimensions.


paterelohim June 7 2011, 04:37:55 UTC
Man, that's a heck of a story. [Chewing on his lip thoughtfully.] Although after Louisiana I'd almost- [Shutting up now. No, Chuck, you are not allowed to make Southern jokes in front of the Southern girl.]


in_starvation June 7 2011, 16:49:04 UTC
[ She'll probably laugh at them anyway if they're dirty enough. ]

Almost what? Got drowned in a swamp?


paterelohim June 7 2011, 19:35:29 UTC
I'd almost be glad to have to deal with monster invasions instead.


in_starvation June 7 2011, 23:00:42 UTC
If they're anything like the monster invasion in the other dimension I was in, I think drowning a swamp is more preferable.


vampingitup June 6 2011, 23:06:51 UTC
[Excuse him for sounding a little bored, Jessica. He's a grouchy old vampire tonight. Also baby vampires + sardine can city = disaster yes?]

Welcome to the big city.


in_starvation June 7 2011, 00:12:46 UTC
[ Only if they are uneducated. Thanks, Bill.

She looks surprised at seeing Eric. ]

Better than in the woods.

[ A beat. ]

Anyone else like us?


vampingitup June 8 2011, 21:20:32 UTC
Plenty of them.

You shouldn't be around them. You're too new for their influence. [Or his.] Where's Bill Compton?


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