( open meme )

Jan 01, 2012 15:03

His Dark Materials Meme

Daemons are, in essence, a person's soul in an animal's body. This animal is of the opposite sex (in almost all cases) and its shape is representative of their human's personality, both obvious and repressed traits. Young children, before reaching adulthood, have daemons who change into other animals at will because their ( Read more... )


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Shikamaru Nara | Naruto underachieves January 1 2012, 23:34:37 UTC
Shikamaru's daemon, Sei, is a petite sika doe. She is a slender thing, fragile in appearance, and stands no taller than three feet. Her fur is more silver than brown, her eyes wide and black and alert. She rarely speaks, but when she does, her voice is low and smooth.


mentis_reae January 1 2012, 23:52:55 UTC
[Edgeworth walks into the room a bit brusquely, but the daemon trotting at his heels looks friendly enough. He regards the young man with the deer daemon for just a moment before sitting down behind his desk.]

You are...Nara Shikamaru?


underachieves January 2 2012, 00:06:54 UTC

[Sei's ears twitch but Shikamaru remains still, hands in his pockets. He doesn't sit because he hasn't been invited to.]


mentis_reae January 2 2012, 00:11:56 UTC
[He nods thoughtfully, looking down at the file before him.]

Please, tell me what it was that you witnessed.


underachieves January 2 2012, 00:16:19 UTC
Isn't it all in there already?

[He nods toward the file and Sei twitches again, taking a couple agitated steps back.]


mentis_reae January 2 2012, 00:19:18 UTC
[Edgeworth looks up - and his eyes go to that doe for just a moment before he looks back to Nara. Then he gestures to a chair.]

Please sit. I'd like to hear it from you directly.

[He's scrutinizing him closely. Lucia is watching Shikamaru no less attentively, but her glance isn't flinty; it's simply curious, and perhaps even a bit sympathetic.]


underachieves January 2 2012, 00:26:03 UTC
[Shikamaru sighs and sinks into the chair, pulling his hands out of his pockets only to cross his arms over his chest.]

I didn't leave anything out earlier, you know. Isn't there something more important you should be doing?

[Sei, meanwhile, doesn't sit. She paces the room, examining their surroundings. Very purposely distracting.]


mentis_reae January 2 2012, 00:29:55 UTC
[Edgeworth's voice is caustic with sarcasm.]

Of course. This simply is a charming hobby for me. Please answer my question.

[Lucia takes a few steps forward, then settles down on her haunches again. Her head cocks to the side as she attentively follows the doe's every move.]


underachieves January 2 2012, 02:13:22 UTC
Did you ask a question?

[The doe stops and turns her head to look straight at the dog.]


mentis_reae January 2 2012, 02:20:02 UTC
My request.

[The jerk of his chin is impatient, but the dog remains calm.]

Speak on what you saw.


underachieves January 2 2012, 03:28:36 UTC
[Shikamaru leans back in his chair and pulls a cigarette packet from his coat, opening it to tap one out.]

Well, it looked like a kidnapping.

[Now he bows his head to light that cigarette.]


mentis_reae January 2 2012, 03:30:08 UTC
This is a government building. Smoking isn't permitted.

[He frowns, then jerks his head.]



underachieves January 2 2012, 03:37:55 UTC
[He lights that cigarette anyway, takes a deep inhale, and rolls his head back on the exhale.]

Young lady walking down the Port Street. White, blonde, a little older than me but shorter too. She was walking toward me, so I could see the van coming up the road behind her. Looked suspicious immediately 'cause it was going slower than the rest of the traffic...


mentis_reae January 2 2012, 03:40:01 UTC
[Edgeworth frowns, but it's not quite worth it to physically remove the cigarette from his hand.]

Was the van remarkable in any way?

[The dog watches that deer avidly.]


underachieves January 2 2012, 04:00:06 UTC
[This time, the doe speaks:]

A 1989 Volkswagen Vanagon Camper, which might be easily mistaken as an earlier model if not for the black window molding where the earlier models were chrome. The doors were slightly rusted and it had no front license plate.

[Shikamaru, occupied with his cigarette, only nods.]


mentis_reae January 2 2012, 04:04:03 UTC
[Edgeworth blinks in surprise. He hadn't expected the daemon to speak to him, and has to take a moment to gather his wits before speaking again.]

Mr. Nara, you're not terribly happy to be testifying on this topic.


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