May 20, 2005 08:36
hey guys,
everything is going really good for me right now.
Ummms...I get to exempt 2 of my classes, the rest I have to take because..well..I have nothing better to do. *nod nod*
Anyways, found out my brother is going to be married, I'm happy for him, BUT HE NEEDS TO CALL AND TALK TO ME!!! :(
LOL! I'm going to go to Steph's graduation (god it doesn't feel like we are this old already) and everything like that, and it will be awsome.
A lot of my friends are graduating this year, and it is really sad because a lot of my friends that aren't are moving away, and it hurts, but I'm happy for them because they can start their own lives now and get everything going for them.
Anyways, that is it for now, my muse is back and I'm drawing like crazy, and working on several pieces of writing at home. Anyways, one week left and school is out!! YAY!!!