Aug 15, 2005 03:12
You know there are things in life you never forget. Mostly I never forget times in which I, myself, have plaed the fool or have done something foolish. In the end I found these memories the most important, literally learning from my own past mistakes, constantly reminded how to deal with them, etc.
However there are those memories, no, not memories... These folders of memories. Think of a Memory as a Kilobyte, what I'm speaking of would be Megabytes, on a Hard Drive that is your Mind Containing Gigabytes of thought (Even though I strongly believe the imprint of a human brain translated into 'bytes' would be well over a handful of Terrabytes). Well, as you have 'hide' files on your computer, you can do that to your mind too. I hide folders/files for all sorts of reasons, eventually forgetting they existed... until that time you for some reason or another, run across them.
My sense of smell is the greatest memorizer I have. Every place has it's own smell. Every car, every house, ever street, and every city. That's how I remember things the best. I have little to know photographic memory, and same with my ability to remember sounds. My sense of taste is average as well, however my sense of Touch is on par with my sense of Smell.
So... I smelt something today, an aroma that escaped me for a long time. Something I dare not have thought of nor talk about for a while. The scent of a certain person who was once in my life. A scent I thought I forgot. Yet in one single insignificant breath... I drew it in. And within that hundreth of a second, it's search brought up a dozen Megabytes of memory. A clutter of friendship, love, hate, dissapointment, joy, sadness, despair, and hope. I sit here wondering. Why no other memory effects me as much as these ones do.
Boys and girls. This is known as true love. Even though I love her and will always love her, no matter how far we drift apart we always seem to collide once and again. She is the only person I have found a profound balance with and full acceptance of. She is my closest but most distant friend and these are the things you Never Forget.