I forgot just how much of a vocal performance snob I actually am... Maybe
grubbybastard can help me out with this...or at least provide a shoulder to cry on...
zibacco posted a vid of For Unto Us a Child is Born and it made me realize that I hadn't listened to Messiah in awhile. So, I start looking around on youtube for pieces in their entirety...or...parts of it at least...
And I hate almost all of it. I'm so over tenors who need to flourish excessively...if Handel had wanted you to do all that mess...he would've written it...he wasn't afraid of vocal sixteenths... and PLEASE PEOPLE...punctuate your runs appropriately...
I look and listen and look and listen some more...and it just all is pissing me off.
Goal today... find a recording of Handel's Messiah that isn't butchered.